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在雲林斗南隱匿的寶藏──" 青月林居 ",靜卧於水稻悠悠、河川蜿蜒的禪境之間,直面群山的宴會。此處彷彿是大自然生態交融的靜謐之地,水稻在孕育中呈現出一片連綿不斷的山川畫卷。



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Hidden in the hills of Yunlin's Dounan lies the treasure, "Emerald Moon Forest Residence," serenely nestled amidst the paddy fields and meandering rivers, facing the grandeur of the mountains. This place feels like a tranquil haven where nature's ecology seamlessly intertwines; the rice paddies paint an endless tapestry of mountains and rivers.

The homeowner is a masterful designer acclaimed by international magazines. Years ago, driven by a quest for genuine connection with nature, he ventured into the countryside, discovering this sanctuary. Ultimately, in a corner of Dounan, he found this one-of-a-kind gem. Expansive floor-to-ceiling windows open towards the entire mountain range, creating an illusion of unity with nature. The architectural design is

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